10 Practices That Were Totally Normal In The Past But Seem Crazy To Us Today
Old people always like to talk about how much better life was back in their day. And that there is “no school like the old school”. Things were cheaper back then, clothes were better and more stylish, and even the sun shined differently back in the day, according to old folk.
However, a simple glance too some things of the past will actually show that the way people lived life in the past was not exactly as swell as they claim to be. After all, that is what humans do generation after generation: we try and improve; we change things for the better.
That is why some of the old practices you are about to see will seem quite crazy to any modern day person.
1. Biphasic Sleep
During the Middle Ages in Europe people took part in what is known as biphasic sleep (meaning sleeping twice a day). At first they would sleep from sunset to midnight, then wake up for a few hours, and then go to sleep again until sunrise. The practice was gradually abandoned, since this was unnatural because we are beings with a circadian rhythm, meaning we biologically need to sleep during night and be awake during day time.
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2. Smoking On Airplanes
It’s definitely no news that smoking in public places is forbidden nowadays. However, when it all began it was fully legal anywhere. People would even smoke on airplanes. Believe it or not, society at that time even believed smoke too be beneficial to the health…
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3. Radioactive Beauty Products
There’s no school like the old school. But in this case, if you ask me, old school had it terribly wrong! Back in the early 20th century they actually believed that radiation was a good thing for the body. And so, the beauty and skin care products of the time were infused with radiation! Way to go!
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