10 Practices That Were Totally Normal In The Past But Seem Crazy To Us Today

7. A Decent Cough Suppressant: Heroin

We are all aware of the dangers of using hard drugs nowadays. But, believe it or not, from the 1800 to the 1920s doctors actually prescribed heroin as a cough suppressant. It was even recommended to children and medicine that included heroin was sold in pharmacies all over the world.

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8. Poor Hygiene – A Common Practice

In medieval times humans actually believed that water would bring illness. That is why showering was out of the question. Furthermore there was a common belief that lice were a special gift from God and they were commonly referred to as “the pearls of God”. Disgusting times.

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9. The Knocker Uppers

During the late 19th century and early 20th century, “knocker upper” was actually a real job. Many folks employed them as personal alarm clocks. These people would bang n the client’s windows with long sticks, or even shoot at them with pea-shooters in order to announce the time.

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10. Using Rocks As Toilet Papers

Well things are way different today, but for the ancient Greeks, the “toilet paper” they used, consisted of a variety of pebbles, rocks or sometimes shards of pottery (which in some cases are quite sharp, ouch!) .

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