12 Most Brutal Rape Punishments Around The World
Rape is one of the most serious crimes out there. The victims are traumatized for life, the psychical healing process is long and arduous and haunts them the rest of their life. In some parts of the world the victims also suffer from social stigma, even though they have in fact been victims of this terrible and most offensive crime. Their lives are ruined from so many points of view.
And that is why some countries actually have extremely severe punishments against rape. Here is how different countries around the world punish this felony.
1. China
China is very strict against this sort of offense. The guilty are sentenced to death, or in some other cases they are punished by genital mutilation.
2. Iran
You’d better abide by the country’s rules because if you are found guilty of such act, you are either hanged or shot in public. Sometimes, the guilty can escape the death penalty if he is pardoned by the victim, but he still receives either life in prison, or 100 whip lashes on the bare skin.
3. Netherlands
Any kind of sexual assault, no matter the severity is punished in Netherlands. Even a French kiss without the consent of the other is considered rape in Netherlands. The punishment can be between 4 to 15 years in jail.
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