15+ Doormats That Are Too Funny To Step On Without Chuckling

Remember those school buddies who loved nothing more than to make everyone laugh, even if it got them in trouble? Well, those class buffoons have grown up and haven’t changed a bit. If you pay them a visit, you will burst into laughter before you even get to ring the bell.

Your school’s comedian is bound to have one of these doormats with hilarious prints that you have to read twice before knocking on their door. Some have a witty pun, like “Hi, I’m Mat.” Others make fun of your clothes, and a few of them avert potential burglars with sayings like “The neighbors have better stuff.”

If you are having a bad day, visiting someone with a quirky doormat will bring a bright smile to your face. Just remember to wipe your feet around the print, so others can have a laugh at it too.



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