15+ Hilarious Photos That Show Why Some Animals Would Never Make It In The Modeling World
Not everybody is photogenic. Some unfortunate souls out there don’t have a single photo which they can be proud of. For some reason, the right, photographic moment never comes for them, whether it is their driver’s license, their Facebook profile or their wedding album.
If you thought that bad pics only happen to humans, guess again! These spectacular images caught at the right time show that some animals have a hard time getting a frame-worthy photograph just as much as some of us.
We compiled a list of the best moments when animals and birds were caught in clumsy poses. From mid-blinking to background photobombing, these quirky, wild creatures show that photo modeling is not for everyone.
As a word of caution, you might feel bad about laughing at them, but don’t worry, they would laugh at your worse pictures too if they saw them. So, just enjoy your scrolling remorselessly.
1. Hungover
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2011/11/national-geographic-photo-contest-2011/100187/”]
2. Should Have Gone To Sleep Earlier Last Night!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://imgur.com/gallery/a4WPGWZ”]
3. A Very Elegant Giraffe
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4. Cute Baby Elephant You Got There…
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-baby-indian-elephant-in-water-looking-shocked-elephas-maximus-indian-71416922.html”]
5. Just A Lion Trying To Smile At The Camera
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/15-hilarious-photos-show-animals-never-make-modeling-world/2/” ]