15 Moments When Disaster Was Just Around The Corner

There are some times when someone will be taking a random picture. And those rare times when the photo is taken at the precise time of an event happening. Like that time when the girl at the baseball game catches the homerun baseball with her face. Or that time when you’re rock-climbing and your seeing glasses decide to fall off your nose into the abyss below.

Those moments can’t be recreated and are priceless. And these are the top 15 photos that captured such moments:

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1. Her Smile Is About To Get A Mouthful Of Sand 🙂


2. When You’re Almost At The Top And Then This Happens! The Best Time For Your Glasses To Fall Off


3. That Rare Moment When You Find A LUCKY 4 Leaf Clover, But Then A Frisbee Hits You In The Face

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