18 Genius People Who Fixed Their Broken Stuff Instead Of Throwing It Away
In today’s consumer society, you break something – you throw it away, get a new replacement. That’s how most people think. But there are some who stray away from this mindset. There are some folks who care about their things and won’t part that easy with something that just got scratched or cracked.
Instead, these people come up with positively genius ways to conceal those defects and make those items last for a little longer. They all get a big thumbs up for creativity from us! Some of these are simply awesome. Check’em out:
1. The Broken Pots Turned Into These Awesome Tiny Fairy Gardens!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”http://daily-colours.blogspot.ro/2013/06/diy-fairy-gardening-with-succulents.html”]
2. Car Crashed And Too Expensive To Fix? POW! Problem Solved In Most Creative Manner! 🙂
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3. So There Is This Huge Whole In The Wall… FIXED!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3kfv08/wall_got_busted_from_water_damage_i_think_it/”]
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/18-genius-people-fixed-broken-stuff-instead-throwing-away/2/” ]