21 Photos Showing The World Like You’ve Never Seen Before
7. This Is One Of The Main Causes Of Allergic Reactions
You might have never guessed it, but this is the culprit for millions of people sneezing, having wwatery eyes and running noses! This is what Polen actually looks like under a microscope! Photo by Dr. David A. Johnson.
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8. Cute Multicolored Pebbles
These constitute axons in the embryonic chick ciliary ganglion located just behind the eye in the posterior orbit. Photo taken by Dr. Ryo Egawa.
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9. A Cool Screensaver Image
This is a newborn rat’s cochlea, which the auditory portion of the inner ear, complete with sensory hair cells, which appear as green. The red portions are the spiral ganglion neurons. Courtesy of Dr. Michael Perny.
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