This Tiny Village In Poland Has Found A Way To Make Everything More Beautiful
The whole story started when someone decided to paint a flower inside their house to cover a smoke stain. Back in the day, these kind of stains were quite common. And once one flower was painted, others started popping up.
This story happened in a small village in Poland, known Zalipie. And once people no longer had space inside their homes, they started painting the outside. Soon enough, everything was covered in flowers. From houses to churches, bridge, and bars, everything became colorful and cheerful. Afterward, the village decided to hold a Painted Cottage Competition every year.
Initially, the movement started as a form of therapy, so the people could recover from World War II atrocities, Zalipie soon became a ray of light in those dark times. If you ever go to Poland, visiting this small village will brighten up your day.
More at: mentalfloss
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