Adorable Fried Egg Art by Japanese Mom Becomes Viral Sensation

This is Etoni Mama, a Japanese mom who’s taking the fried egg game to a whole new level! She’s been creating fantastic fried egg art that’s turning heads on social media, and honestly, it’s hard to look away.

So apparently, in Japan, there’s this thing called kyaraben (short for character bento), where boxed lunches are made to look as eye-catching as possible. Rice balls shaped like animals, veggies in the form of flowers or hearts, and sausages shaped like octopuses are just some of the most common examples of kyaraben art. It’s a way for moms to entice their kids to eat their boxed lunches at school, and also for artistic moms to unleash their creativity.



But Etoni Mama takes it to another level with her incredible fried egg art. Eggs are a staple food in Japan, and this mom has found a way to make them exciting. She turns the yolk part into faces and bodies to create any anime or cartoon character she wants, using nori to draw the character’s hair and facial features and other ingredients like cheese, ham, and veggies to complete the design.




And it’s not just her kids who are enjoying these impressive meals. Etoni Mama has an Instagram page where she shares her food art, and people can’t get enough. Her creations are truly a feast for the eyes, and I’m pretty sure even the pickiest eaters wouldn’t be able to resist these tempting treats.

Honestly, I’m in awe of Etoni Mama’s skills. It just goes to show that food doesn’t just have to be delicious, it can also be a work of art. And who knows, maybe we’ll all start turning our breakfasts into mini masterpieces too, from now on!

More at: Instagram



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