She Was Arrested 24 Times In 10 Years, Her Mugshot Transformation Is Shocking

It’s been a pretty busy 10 years for Florida’s Sarah Wulchak. Over the past decade, the 36 year old woman has been arrested a whopping 24 times. This piece of news is quite shocking in itself, but even more shocking is Sarah’s radical transformation across the years.

In her early mug shots she looks young and quite healthy, but as time progresses she slowly turns into a shadow of her formal self, mainly because of substance abuse and her hard life.

The 36 year old woman has seen the inside of a prison no less than 24 times in only ten years. That’s an average of more than two times per year. Some people for instance, don’t even go on vacation as often as she’s been to prison.

She’s been sent there for anything ranging from trespass, misdemeanor, possession of pharmaceuticals, to grand theft auto, aggravated battery, and even one case where she bit off a chunk of her 53 year-old boyfriend’s ear, as she attacked him in their bedroom in 2013.

Take a look at her transformation in the photos below and see what a hard life and hard choices can do to someone’s face.


1. September 2003 – She was actually pretty cute when, at 22 years old, she first visited prison. From then on, it was a race downhill.


2. October 2003 – Charged for drug possessions and theft


3. June 2005 – Looking like a regular librarian, but don’t judge a book by its covers

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