Awesome Stories Told By Things That Time Wore Down
When we talk of wine, we say the more it’s aged, the better it becomes. The same might not hold true of other things, though. However, here is a cool list of items that time has put its stamp on. Each photo tells a story about how time made its mark, and it does so beautifully. From the marks permanently imprinted on the front entrance rug, made by the joyous tippy-taps of the dog bouncing at the door when your car pulls up, to the 10-years of scratches by the cat on wooden pole in the yard, here are some awesome stories of things worn down by time!
1. Every day the sun passing above was focused on the ground by the glass of this lamp. Check out the burn mark it left on the grass below 🙂
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2. This scanner machine was so heavily used that the papers cut grooves into the surface!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – Farge43″]
3. These knives at a local fast food kitchen have been so used they are almost gone.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – Wadebogs127″]
4. 16 years ago her mom bought 4 identical stuffed animals for her to play with just in case she lost them. Here they are now reunited.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – mediumtiddiegothgf”]
5. When stepping through the hallway his girlfriend would always tip toe on the same tracks for years!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – ShooterMcgavin41″]
6. These two brothers received identical teddy bears when they were born. One of them got more attached to his teddy bear than the other!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=””text=”Reddit – Bedheadredhead30″]
7. He would always move the dumbbells around using his foot. This is what his gym shoes look like after years because of that.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – asshatnowhere”]
8. This is George Orwell’s book: “1984”. The more time passes and the book looses its colors, the less censored the title becomes with wear!
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – L-boyontheting”]
9. For years hikers have been stepping on these rocks. So much so, that they pushed the wires into the rock completelly.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – c4talystza”]
10. This is from a high school. The wear marks on these doorknobs show the difference in proportion between left handed and right handed students.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” text=”Reddit – haze_rod”]
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