Check Out The First Vertical Forests In China And How They Produce More Than 130 Pounds Of Oxygen Daily

We all know a thing or two about climate change, how it affects us and how we can start working to protect the environment around us. The Chinese actually made a great effort to help the environment with the first vertical forest, which will produce 60kg of oxygen every single day!

This forest is compiled of 1000 trees and around 2500 shrubs from 23 local species. They are known as Nanjing Towers and have been designed by Stefano Boeri. Each tower will have around 656ft and 354ft. But they will not only be a vertical forest, as the buildings will also host offices, a school, a museum, a hotel and also a rooftop club.

But these are not the first vertical forests that Stefano has built, as there are others in Milan and Switzerland.  This kind of word is exactly what nature needs at the moment! Check it out:

More at: Facebook, Stefano Boeri, mymodernmet, inhabitat 


1. Intorducing the vertical forest towers in Nanjing, China. They will contain more than 1000 trees and over 2500 shrubs on their terraces

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2. They were designed by the Italian architect Stefano Boeri and their completion will be sometime in 2019 most probably

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3. More than 20 variety of tree species will be able to produce more than 60 kilograms of oxygen per day (over 130 pounds of oxygen)

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4. There already are similar buildings in plan for Lausanne, Switzerland

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5. The projects look amazing and the idea is awesome for the environment, since our ciites are lacking more and more “green” landscape

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6. Two vertical forestsd already exist in Milan, Itally. They are called Bosco Verticale. We are looking forward to more and more green building such as those!

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