Comedian Roomie Turned His Friend’s Mess Into A Viral Passive Aggressive Art Exhibition

We all had the college experience of a messy roommate who treats communal areas as their personal pigsties.

Comedian Justin Cousson seems to go through the same experience, and decided enough is enough. Instead of complaining aggressively about unwashed dishes, rancid milk and clothes forgotten in the dishwasher, he chose a more comical approach to the problem.

Justin uses his Twitter account to post the everyday mishaps of his roommate with hilarious comments written on paper cards right near the “crime scene.” From the “monument to a vanquished paper roll to the sour cream covered spoon” left for days in the kitchen sink, Cousson’s followers can enjoy a good laugh at his roomie’s expense.

The witty comedian even started auctioning his roommate’s misplaced items in a mock auction sale online. As we can see from his daily Twitter observations, a cheese knife left on the kitchen counter is available for $500, while a pair of worn out sneakers can be purchased for $650. Because of this ingenious and funny idea, his “art gallery” went viral on the internet. Check it out:

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1. Cheese Knife

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2. A Monument To A Vanquished Paper Towel Roll Or New Rolls Are (Arrow Pointing Downward) But Bending Down Is Hard

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3. Sour Cream-Covered Spoon Left In Sink Before Leaving Town For Four Days

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4. Clothes Left In Dryer Overnight, Then Another Night, Then…

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5. Shoes On Shoe Rack (Nearly)

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