Crazy Ex-Girlfriend TEXT DISASTERS That Will Have You Roaring With Laughter

Boy oh boy, when I think of exes, mostly happy memories come back to me. Pleasant things I want to hold on to, as I go on. But every now and then, I would remember that one ex that made life miserable. You know, the one I had to call the cops to get rid of. The one I had to redirect all her incoming calls and messages to some inexistent number just to escape from.

Anyway, this post will be about those kinds of exes, and the hilarious messages they sent. We had a blast checking them out, and some made us laugh to tears, probably because we’ve all gone through something like that at least once. Enjoy!


1. The Crazy Outburst

Should first get the right number, maybe?


2. Do You Want Some Ice?

That was one good burn. Thumbs up for this crazy ex!


3. Not Enough Fingers

She couldn’t have put it better.


4. Misdirection

Great technique for dropping the bomb.


5. Awkward

When auto-correct reveals a deeper harder truth :))


6. The Satisfaction

When you finally break away from that crazy, self-centered, narcissistic girlfriend who used to think everything had to revolve around her.


7. Two Retards At War

The way they write and spell – I think they are both retarded. I laughed at both of them equally. Not taking sides.

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