Crazy Ex-Girlfriend TEXT DISASTERS That Will Have You Roaring With Laughter

8. Another Burn

A literal one this time! :))


9. She Was His Disciple ?!

Oh God, she had the same mindset as the worse out there! Crazy minds think alike. Good riddance.


10. The Watchers

When she jokes about it, but you actually did it, and found out a nasty truth.


11. This One Couldn’t Take No For An Answer

So crazy she actually went out there and got a new phone number…


12. Silence Is An Answer Too

Too bad taking hints isn’t one of her strengths, right?


13. Crazy Is What Crazy Does

Online psychics? That’s crazy. Add to this some by the book stalking, and you just defined a full-blown-insane ex… Call the police man, if you are still alive :))


14. I Guess He Forgot To Tell Her

This is what it looks like when you forget to tell your crazy-ex that you’ve broken up with her.


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