He Creates Amazing Mosaics From Pebbles He Finds Lying Around

He Creates Amazing Mosaics From Pebbles He Finds Lying Around

Contemporary artists are constantly pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms and exploring new ways to showcase their creativity. While some artists are taking their work to the streets, using murals and 3D sidewalk paintings, others resort to other artistic approaches. Such is the case with the “paintings” made of Perler beads by British artist Justin Bateman, who gained fame and appreciation rapidly with his unique and awe-inspiring pebble art.

Bateman currently resides in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he uses the natural landscape as his canvas. Rather than relying on paint or synthetic materials, Bateman creates intricate portraits using only natural, unpainted rocks. He leaves these ephemeral masterpieces in various outdoor locations, including beaches, forests, sidewalks, and mountains, and refers to them as “impermanent portraits” that leave only temporary footprints in their wake.

The subjects of Bateman’s portraits include a diverse range of iconic personalities from religious, political, entertainment, and artistic fields, as well as current events. The artist finds inspiration in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of creating sand mandalas, which are destroyed once completed to symbolize the fleeting nature of material life.

By using natural materials and letting nature take its course, Bateman’s pebble art embodies the idea of impermanence and the natural cycle of life. Each piece is a testament to the beauty and power of the natural world and the boundless creativity of the human spirit.

More at: Instagram Justin Bateman


1. His Art Is Made Only Of Natural Unpainted Pebbles He Finds Around

To create his portraits, Bateman collects natural stones from the surrounding area and arranges them on the ground, using the natural hues of the stones to depict faces of prominent figures. After capturing photos of his creations, he leaves them to be slowly dismantled by nature, allowing the elements to reclaim the stones and bring the cycle of life full circle.

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2. Each Piece Is A Testament To The Beauty And Power Of The Natural World And To The Creativity Of The Artist

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