Dad Jokes And Silly Puns Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Everybody loves a silly play-on-words, even if it comes with a slight feeling of embarrassment that we feel amused by it.

Since the early days of the internet, people have been posting various images only to have others to ridicule them with silly comments. You cannot blame someone from being entertained by your picture of a bullet-pierced smartphone, and calling it “screenshot.” After all, it shows that humans can always see a funny side to every story, and where there’s fun involved surely there is some wit as well.

These dad jokes and ridiculous puns should get a reaction out of you, even if it is just a gust of air abruptly coming out of your nostrils. Some of them might have you rolling your eyes, while others will be in the next message you share with your friends. Most of them are here for easy entertainment, so just sit back and enjoy!


1. Things Are Getting Out Of Hand

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2. Rock Bottom 🙂

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3. Clinton Hiding In The Bushes

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4. I’m Worried About A Mole I Found On My Arm..

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5. A Stable Relationship!

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