Epic Design Fails That You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

As I was going through these pictures I couldn’t help but ask myself: who in the right mind hired these people? And even more, who in the right mind would ever think of such designs and get them out there for others to see?

Well, the truth is we are 9 billion minds on our little planet right now – so there are more than enough chances for some “bad apples” to walk among us. And also, if people like this didn’t fail so badly… what would there be for us to laugh at? 🙂

Anyway, long story short, you are about to see some really epic design fails that actually somehow made it out:


1. So Let’s Start Off By Asking Who Designed This Quiz?! 🙂

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”http://imgur.com/BM5knR2″]


2. Good Idea To Put Measurement Labels On This Non-Transparent Plastic Bottle! GENIUS!

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/6scvan/putting_measurement_labels_on_a_nontransparent/”]


3. And Here’s A Genius Idea For A Women’s Product Slogan…

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/NotMyJob/comments/698kvs/i_have_a_good_idea_for_a_slogan_boss/”]

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/epic-design-fails-wont-believe-actually-happened/2/” ]