Funniest Corgi Mixed With Other Breeds That Will Make Your Day
Corgi dogs are one of the cutest breeds and a favorite of many dog lovers. But it’s not hard to see why – they’re super affectionate and love pleasing their owners. Plus, they’re really smart and easy to train. But have you ever thought about what results when mixing a Corgi with a Chihuahua? We’re not saying you should go out and make your own breed or anything. But sometimes peculiar mixes like this happened, and the resulting puppers are funny looking and adorable!
Anyway, have you ever seen a Corgi mixed with a Siberian Husky? Or maybe you wonder what a Corgi crossed with a Beagle looks like? Well, now you can them out in this cute list of Corgi mixes that we put together. Which one is your favorite? Check them out:
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