The Funniest Moments In Mannequin History Ever
Being a mannequin is hard. Day in and day out you have to sit there holding a pose. Sometimes shop employees decide that it’s better to remove your arms or legs, or to just display you naked. Oh, the shame. Their dull lives made even harder by these unpleasant experiences..#
But then there are these pure moments in a mannequin’s life when a lucky few escape their boring routine, and screw the system. Those times when they just go rogue and do silly stuff. A mannequin pulling her thong out her butt? Check! Mannequins wearing baguettes instead of hats? We’ve seen that too! Those mannequins showing such bright personalities instantly became internet-famous. Check them out:
1. But I Don’t Wanna Be A Mannequin!!
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2. When The Clothing Outlet Has Your Size Just Right…
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3. Found This Mannequin At Zara. Someone Has A Sense Of Humor
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4. And The Award For Funniest Employee Goes To:
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