Funny Pictures For Grown Ups
We made this collection of hilarious pictures that will make you laugh and brighten your day. Enjoy!
1. Santy Claus!
When Santa decides to give you a present you will never forget :))
2. Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
You’re doing it wrong…
3. Same Question Same Answer
She’s doing it wrong! However, she IS doing something right. And by that I am, of course, referring to the fact that she is eating her daily vegetables!
4. Oh, The Memories
She loved eating at that place :))
5. Safe Space?
Excuse me sir but your steroids are touching me.
6. No He Didn’t
Did he just go doing his business in the trash can?! The look on the black guy’s face is priceless. Not unlike this picture! :))
7. That’s What She Said
Well, at least that’s what her T-Shirt said.
8. I Don’t Wanna Live On This Planet Anymore
Some parents these days…
9. It’s Funny Because…
…their ‘stature’ is small. 😀
10. If You Like It Then You Should … Put It On A T-Shirt
The new Apple gizmo is out. And people sure do love it!
11. This Is An Actual Word Now
Always wondered what it meant. Now we have a definition for it. :))
12. Professional Defect
Go on and grab them both like you usually do.
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