Guilty Pets Caught In The Act Of Chewing, Stealing And Destroying Things Around The House

As a pet owner, I often fantasized about getting back home and catching my dog in the middle of chewing on my sports shoes, or just after the deed was recently done, so that I could take a funny picture of him looking guilty just as a cute memento. These animal lovers were a bit luckier than me and surprised their pets just as they were about to commit a crime.

We feed them, love them and nurse them when they’re sick. We treat them as if they were members of the family, and we often take better care of them than we would of ourselves. In spite of all the sacrifices we make, our furry friends would not miss a chance for horseplay or shenanigans that go against the rules.

This gallery has a bit of everything: dogs that pickpocket your purse, cats that plan to murder you and turtles that steal the baby’s food. You name it! And if you’ve ever had a pet, you will surely relate to most of them.


1. No Touch The Cinnamon Rolls !!

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2. That Look When She Got Caught Red-Handed!

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3. Stealing Garden Shoes Since 2010

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4. How To Tell Your Cat Is Up To No Good? This Guy Has Been Finding Thumb Tacks In His Shoes Lately And Couldn’t Figure Out Which Of The Cats Was Doing It. But Now He’s Got Proof. Needless To Say, The Door To His Office Will Stay Closed From Now On…

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5. Busted!

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