This Crazy Guy Finds An Abandoned Ghost Ship And Actually Rows His Kayak Inside It

For most people, kayaking means renting a kayak and spending maybe an hour or so rowing hard, sweating a lot, and sailing it around, on some local lake or river. Then you would top it off by parking the kayak on the shore and getting a refreshing drink and maybe a tan.

But in some cases, some guys use the kayaks to explore hard to access water areas. Kayaks have the advantage of being fast water vessels and you can use them to navigate shallow waters and tight lagoons real fast.

That is exactly what the guy in our story did. He put his rowing skills to the test. When he saw an old rusted wrecked ship floating not too far from the shore, he went exploring. What did he find? See for yourself below…


1. Kayaks Are The Perfect Vessels For Exploring

Fast and agile little “boats”, kayaks can be either thrilling, or relaxing and fun, or all at once. But since they are so nimble and slender, they are certainly a very good way to navigate difficult waters and tight spaces. This makes them the perfect way to explore shallow waters and flooded areas.

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2. The Old Decrepit Ship

Somewhere off the coast of the Black Sea, on the Romanian sea shore there is a ghost of an old half sunken vessel, the Empire’s Strenght. It’s not far away from a resort called Costinesti. Looming into the distance, the silhouette of the shipwreck lures adventurers who dare to approach.


3. The Crack

A small crack on the side of the ship opens up into a hole that exposes the bowels of the ship. A regular boat can’t fit in there but this experienced kayaker navigated straight through and went inside to explore.

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