This Crazy Guy Finds An Abandoned Ghost Ship And Actually Rows His Kayak Inside It

4. The Creepy Hull

All rusted and screeching in the sea breeze, the old shipwreck gave him the goose-bumps. And even though it was now only a decrepit ghost ship and there was nothing welcoming about the crumbling aspect of the ship’s hull, this fearless explorer decided to press on.

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5. Dangerous

The old ship has been battered by the sea waves for decades. Inside the hull there would be sharp rusted edges at every step. Metal parts sticking out of the water or hidden beneath the surface. His approach would have to be a cautious one if he wanted to get out unharmed.

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6. A Spooky Vibe

He was finally inside. The ship’s innards looked just like its exterior: creepy and eery. The water was still inside the ship, just like the once operating engines and gears. Nothing was moving. Only his small kayak advancing through the rusted machinery.

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