This Crazy Guy Finds An Abandoned Ghost Ship And Actually Rows His Kayak Inside It
7. A Trip Into The Past
One of the comments on the kayaker’s original Youtube video feels like it’s taking us back to another time and reveals the ship might have been a close relative of the Titanic: “I noticed the Harland & Wolff logo’s cast into each of the giant frames of the six cylinder diesel main engine. Possibly the whole ship was built by this famous British shipyard, the builders of the SS Titanic.”
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8. Scenes From A Horror Movie
Most would just agree that the interior looks just like the setting of a horror movie. Maybe some post-apocalyptic flooded water world. A setting that most of us would not dare venture into. The explorer however seemed relaxed and composed, as he kept his feet outside his raft. At any point you would expect some creature to grab onto his legs and pull him under. But that is just imagination. The ship and waters remained as still and motionless.
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9. Uncovering The Story
Maybe more interesting than the interior of the old ghost ship is its real story. The ship has navigated the whole world for years before reaching its final resting place…
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