Guy Invents Groundbreaking Glasses That Allow Short Individuals To Be A Part Of The Action

Imagine this scenario: you’re going to a concert with your buddy who happens to be a towering giant, standing tall in front of the other spectators. You can already hear all the short folks behind grumbling and murmuring, struggling to catch a glimpse of the action. Talk about a bummer, right?

But fear not, because there’s a genuine Inspector Gadget in town by the name of Dominic Wilcox! This guy is an inventor and he’s come up with a mind-blowing solution that will have short people rejoicing. Introducing the One Foot Taller Periscope Glasses! I mean, just the name itself gives you a hint of what they can do.

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These glasses are like magic. When you put them on, they transport you to the land of the tall. Suddenly, you’re seeing things from a higher perspective. You become a little taller, at least visually. It’s like a cheat code for your eyes! With these babies on, you can see a whopping 30.5 cm or one foot higher than your regular eye level. That’s a whole new world of concert-viewing right there.

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So how did Wilcox come up with this genius invention? Well, Microsoft Surface threw him a challenge to tackle everyday problems with extraordinary solutions. And boy, did he deliver! You see, Wilcox was at a gig one day, minding his own business, when he noticed a small woman dancing behind him, struggling to see the band because of all those towering giants in front. That got his gears turning, and he thought, “Hey, I gotta solve this problem!”

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Now, let’s talk about the process. It wasn’t a walk in the park for Wilcox. He had to put on his thinking cap and get creative. He went through about five attempts to perfect his design. He meticulously cut out the final shape from a mirrored plastic sheet and bent it at just the right angles to reflect light from above, down to your eyes. It’s like a fancy mirror trick, all packed into one single sheet. Talk about a brain workout!

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Oh, and did I mention that Wilcox is no stranger to creating unusual things? He’s been doing it for years, so he’s got the knack for it. With his experience, he made quick decisions and brought this crazy idea to life in about a week. That’s a whole lot of thinking, testing, failing, more testing, and probably a few “Eureka!” moments thrown in there.

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Now, here’s what it’s like to wear these One Foot Taller Periscope Glasses. Imagine seeing the world through a rectangle right in the center of your vision, giving you that higher view. It’s like your own personal analog augmented reality device, slightly bonkers but oh-so-fun!

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So there you have it, folks. Thanks to Dominic Wilcox and his magical glasses, short people can now get in on the action like never before. No more grumbling from behind, no more blocked views at the cinema. It’s time for the vertically challenged to rise (literally!) and enjoy every moment. Cheers to Wilcox and his wacky, yet brilliant invention! He’s got a lot more other invetions on his site aswell, so now we’re going to take a look at what other peculiar things he’s created over te years.


Let’s take a look at what else he’s come up with. Dominic Wilcox is known for his intriguing inventions, one of which is the “Directing Jacket.”

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In addition, Wilcox has developed a unique fusion of snow shoe-grips and an ice tray.

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Another of his creations is the “No-Place-Like-Home GPS Shoes.”

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He even designed an amplification device specifically for a grumbling stomach.

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Introducing his “Binaudios,” which allow you to listen to the captivating sounds of a city.

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Lastly, Wilcox offers his “Luxury Skimming Stones” for those seeking a touch of indulgence.

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Now, let’s delve into the reactions of some (presumably) shorter individuals to the One Foot Taller Periscope Glasses.


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