This Happens When You Ask For Help From The Wrong Guy

There’s a big chance that all of us wanted a picture altered for some reason. Be it to remove the ex-partner from a photo, or maybe you were having a bad hair day that ruined an otherwise perfect snapshot, the reasons could be many. Bottom line is you wanted that photo modified and you did not know how to do it yourself.

That’s when you would call on that friend of yours that is good with Photoshop, and ask him for a favor. But when that friend is called James Fridman, and when you’re asking him to help change a photo, expect the most outrageous results.

He is after all the King of Photoshop, for a reason. Check out his amazing, accurate and on-point works! Flawless pieces of art indeed.

More at: James Fridman | Twitter | Facebook


1. There You Go. Winner By A Long Shot!

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2. Greetings From The Red Square

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3. He Did It! Literally! 🙂

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