This Is What Happens When Bookstore Employees Get Bored

When you work in a library I guess things are pretty slow. And with a bit of spare time on their hands, the employees of this French library called “Librarie Mollat” came up with a cool idea to promote themselves.

When they noticed that some of the shoppers resemble some of the characters on their book covers they started taking some really funny pictures of them. This shows how nicely some books fit into the frames of everyday life.

This was a cool stunt and the library caught on many followers on instagram (around 55k at the moment). Below are some of the coolest pictures they took. So take a look at all the characters you can find in this wonderful library:

via: [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” ] , [maxbutton id=”2″ url=”” ]


1. A Certain Dame


2.  My Cousin Rachel


3. The Man With Grey Eyes

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