Hilarious Comics About Summer Problems We Can All Relate To

We love summer, the season when we go on holiday and do all sorts of activities with friends and family. But truth be told, the warmth of summer is a two edged knife and it cuts both ways. Because summer is not only fun and games and when it’s hot we sweat, we get sticky and so on, you know.

So here are some hilarious comics referring precisely to those summer moments we can all relate to:


1. That Feeling When You Get Up From A Chair

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2. In 15 Minutes Or Less 🙂

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BWSgS0aAWRF/”]


3. You Go Girl!

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BFocLQTBssg/”]


4. How Others Tan – And How I Tan ..

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