Hilarious ‘So I Fixed It’ Solutions – Genius Or Stupid?

5. Creative Way Of Fixing Your Broken Headlights 🙂

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”12345″]


6. This Guy’s Laptop Charger Kept Falling Out, So:

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”http://imgur.com/zY347Oq”]


7. Laptop Broke When He Needed It The Most. I Guess This Will Have To Do:

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportmacgyver/comments/3ze3p2/so_my_laptop_broke_just_when_i_needed_it_most/”]


8. When Your Roommate Punches A Hole In The Door, This Is The Correct Way To Fix It:

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/18cnpi/roommate_punched_a_hole_in_his_door_i_fixed_it/”]

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/hilarious-fixed-solutions-genius-stupid/3/” ]