Hilarious ‘So I Fixed It’ Solutions – Genius Or Stupid?

13. You Want Hot Water? There You Go!

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=””]


14. Cool Way To Secure A Graphics Card!!! 🙂

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupportmacgyver/comments/3dx4a3/not_the_worst_way_to_hold_up_a_graphics_card/”]


15. In Case You Were Wondering Why Women Live Longer:

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”http://imgur.com/xSD7idR”]


16. His Dad’s Solution To A Broken Control Knob:

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1ob8kv/my_dads_solution_when_a_control_knob_broke_off_in/”]

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/hilarious-fixed-solutions-genius-stupid/5/” ]