These Hilarious Memes Will Make You Laugh If You Grew Up In The 90s
If you grew up in the 90s, then you might remember those CD players that didn’t fit any pocket, or maybe the epic Tamagotchi Egg, or, like myself that Walkman that didn’t have a Rewind function, and you had to rewind audio cassettes spinning them around on a pencil. Oh, the good old times. Things seemed much simpler back then, but maybe it’s because we were kids and didn’t know much.
Anyway, nostalgia is strong in this post and I had a special time checking out all these 90s memes. So go on right ahead and enjoy them too:
1. The Lyrics Written On Those Audio Cassette Covers
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2. When You “Texted” In Class 🙂 I Still Have Some Of Those Texts From My First Crush
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3. Such Different Times
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4. iTunes Back In The Day..
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