IKEA Hilariously Mocks Balenciaga’s $2000 Bag That Looks So Much Like Their Own 90 Cent Tote Bag
Anyone who has been to Ikea a few times knows their famous tote you carry around the shop. But their bag became even more famous on the Internet and you will not guess why.
Balenciaga, the pricy famous brand, released a tote that looks identical to the Ikea one and people cannot take it. The price of this bag is ‘only’ 2,145 $. Compared to the Ikea one, which is 90 cents, that is a lot of money. Not only do these two bags have the same shape, but even their color looks the same.
The Internet exploded and had a good laugh about it. But now, Ikea joined the party and they decided to make fun of the company in their own unique way. With the help of a Swedish company, Ikea released an advert helping people identify the difference between the Ikea tote and the Balenciaga one. See below their unique advert.
1. The prestigious brand Balenciaga has released this new bag of theirs, that’s worth $2,145
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2. Funny thing though, this bag looks very much like IKEA’s classic Frakta tote shopping bag
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3. You know, those bags that you stuff up with IKEA goodies when you go shopping in their stores:
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4. The internet was having quite a bit of fun at the expense of this, and soon IKEA also joined in!
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5. With a help of an advertising agency, IKEA came up with an add to help people make the difference between their bags and Balenciaga’s
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6. Check it out! It’s quite funny. We have to give the thumbs up to IKEA’s sense of humor:
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7. The agency that worked on the ad is called ACNE, a Swedish Ad Agency
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8. So, if you think that $2k is a bit overpriced for you, there is always the IKEA version! Fairly priced and versatile, like most of IKEA’s merch! 🙂
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[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://sharetroopers.com/ikea-hilariously-mocks-balenciagas-2000-bag-looks-much-like-90-cent-tote-bag/2/” ]