Incredible Animal Photos By Steve Irwin’s Son Show Why He Is An Award Winning Photographer

Like father, like son. Steve Irwin’s son, Robert Irwin, followed in his father’s footsteps and shows the world the beautiful side of nature in all its raw splendor.

Since he was a just a toddler, Robert was captivated by nature, and now, at 13, he travels the world together with his family witnessing and capturing the beauty of the animal kingdom in his stunning photography that he shares on his Instagram.

Check out some of Robert’s beautiful images below:

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1. 13-year-old Robert Travels The World With His Family, Capturing The Amazing Raw Beauty Of Nature

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2. He Was Fascinated By The Animal World From A Very Young Age

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3. His Photography Has Received Many Awards And Was Recognized In Many Photography Contests

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4. Take A Look At His Amazing Photographs, Starting With The Dark Depths Of The Deep Sea

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