Japanese Artist Sculpts Humans Out Of Trees And His Creations Are Creepy And Amazing At The Same Time

Imagine going camping and stumbling upon trees that look like tall, faceless humans. Now, try going to sleep. That’s right! You can’t, especially if you are reading this somewhere in the woods.

Anyone who ever hiked through a forest has seen some strange-looking trees that naturally grew to give us a bit of a spook. The Japanese sculptor Nagato Iwasaki decided to take freaky trees to the next level by carving them into upright figures with a striking human resemblance.

As you can see from the photos, the sculptor takes his unusual art deep into the Japanese backwoods to put together human simulacrums from smoothly-carved tree chunks. These wooden mannequins mimic human anatomy in great detail to give the impression of actual men and women that for some spooky reason turned into life-size timbered figures. Chilling and awesome at the same time!

More at: nagato-iwasaki.com, Facebook 



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