Man Sells Pens On The Streets To Survive. Then A Stranger Snaps This Photo Of His Daughter

3. The Result

Surprisingly, Abdul didn’t just spend the money on buying stuff for his family, but instead wisely invested in a business in Lebanon. He opened multiple shops, but the story doesn’t end here.

Knowing the struggles of many other Syrian refugees, Abdul went out of his way to hire as many of them as he could. Now, thanks to him, there are more than 16 refugees getting paid and working.

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Not only that, but Abdul sent a large part of the money over to friends and family in need, whose lives have been ruined by the Syrian war.


4. Happier Times

With the funding he finally managed to get housing and clean clothing for his family. Shelter is one of the basic human needs, and before this, Abdul and his little girl didn’t even have a place to sleep.

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One has to note that, while Abdul’s story is one with a happy ending, there are so many more that have been devastated by the conflict in Syria, and struggle with the basic needs of survival every day.

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