You Might Think It’s Just A Picture Of A Squirrel. But If You Zoom A Bit Closer You’ll Be Surprised…

4. Art In The Making

He called his art style “Typewriter Art”, and we must admit that his approach to art is unique in the world today. In order to create his paintings he uses the typewriter in a manner that few of us would have ever thought of. Key press after key press, he adds detail to his canvas until images take life.


5. Surpassing His Condition

Because of his medical state, Paul had a very hard life. It took Paul more than 16 years to be able to utter his first word. After 16 more difficult years, he was able to make his first steps. He went through a lot of adversity and hardships because of his condition, and he finally came to realise the best way to express himself was through art.

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