You Might Think It’s Just A Picture Of A Squirrel. But If You Zoom A Bit Closer You’ll Be Surprised…
6. No One Even Believed He Would Survive
At one point in his life, the doctors gave up on him, saying that he would never be able to progress in any way. They believed Paul was doomed to never evolve. They said he would not be able tto learn anything, and that he would be spending all his life as a simple vegetable. Now, when he looks back at those years, Paul smiles at the thought. It is the doctors who actually have something to learn from him! His attitude and determination is an inspiration to us all. And even more, his imagination gave birth to a completely new artistic trend.
7. Using Different Inks
Some of the paintings Paul created are true masterpieces born of patience and detail. He used different color inks as he overlapped the symbols on the canvas. If you ever see Paul working on one of his paintings you can tell that you are witnessing a true artist – the way he gets immersed into the process of creating, and how he handles the typewriter to give life to his thoughts is nothing short of amazing.
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