Mom Is Shocked Because Her Black Son Was Put On The Frontline During Shooting Drills. When She Asks Why, She Does Not Expect This Answer

Even though this is a much debated topic, and opinions are widely varied on the subject, there is one thing that stands unequivocally true. The US has issues that arise from gun regulations, that other countries don’t have to deal with. Taking that into consideration, in US schools kids need to get taught how to react in case a shooting unfolds. Parents and schools alike are supposed to have these tough conversations with their kids in order to make sure that if the unthinkable happens, the little ones stand a better chance of making it through.

One of these concerned parents is Tanai Bernard, a teacher from Texas. And recently, she was asking her 10 year-old kid about safety drills in his school. She just wanted to make sure her kid’s school was taking things seriously, and the kids were actually learning something useful and not just messing around.

However, his answer was so unexpected and shocking, that she felt she had to share it on Facebook. The post went viral instantly and got over 370K reactions and 170K shares. Read on to see how the discussion unfolded.


Via: Facebook

1. This Is Dezmond, The 10-Year-Old Who Shocked His Mom When He Told Her About Their School’s Safety Drill

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2. The Facebook Conversation With His Mom Went Viral Instantly For A Very Good Reason (The Post Got More Than 370K Reactions And Shares)



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3. Probably A Great Example Of Parenting Done Right

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4. Many People Were Moved By Dezomnd’s Attitude And Bravery And Commented:


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This is the end of the story! Share it with your friends if you liked it!

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