This Is How Much You Must Walk In Order To Lose Weight
3. Count Your Steps
No, we don’t mean counting your steps by yourself, but rather use a pedometer to do that. A decent pedometer can monitor your heart rate, count the number of steps you make and keep track of the number of calories you burn. You can get a moderately priced one on the Amazon.
Here are some is some basic numbers crunching, if you want to try out walking and losing weight:
100 calories burnt when you walk 1 mile (2000 steps)
3500 calories needed to lose 1 pound
To lose 1 pound in a week you need 500 calories burnt per day, that is walk 10.000 steps per day.
Use a pedometer to keep track of your daily goal. Check out the Amazon for a pedometer that fits your needs:
With a pedometer you are now ready to get results and to properly track your progress.
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