You Would Never Guess These Unusual Jobs Have Such A High Pay

1. Professional Bridesmaid

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Bridesmaids are paid anywhere from $300 all the way to $2000, all you need to do is to pretend to be the wife’s friend, help around with some organizational stuff and get paid. Nice!


2. Professional Cuddler

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Yes, surprisingly this job does exist. And apparently some people pay real good money to hire a cuddler. Payment can go as high as $800 for one session. All you have to do is provide someone with companionship for a couple of hours. Only hugging and cuddling is allowed.


3. Ice Cream Tester

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This sounds like the perfect job for me, to be honest. But this is actually a real job for some people who are food scientists. If you are one of those people you’re going to get paid $56,000 per year salary if you’re tasting skills are high enough. It sounds like a proper “delicious” job.

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