You Would Never Guess These Unusual Jobs Have Such A High Pay

4. Bomb Disposal Diver

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We admit this job doesn’t sound at all as safe or as tasty as the ones before. The pay is great, and it might amount to more than $100,000 a year. That sounds great, but collecting grenades bones and landmines that have yet to go off, from the bottom of the seas and oceans is not exactly my cup of tea!


5. Fortune Cookie Rhyme Writer

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Surprisingly enough, the portions from your cookies are written by actual people and not by some gifted fortunetellers. Even though they are not gifted fortunetellers, their salaries still range between $28,000 and $75,000 per year. It’s actually not that easy to write those clever and university applicable witty words.


6. Bingo Manager

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If you can manage handing out bets, keeping order and being around the whole lot of old people, then this is the job for you. All you need is has good education and then your set on this highly paid job. Easy, right?

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