You Would Never Guess These Unusual Jobs Have Such A High Pay
7. Sex Toy Tester
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Sounds like a fun job the first time you read it, right? And it’s also paid around $39,000-$40,000 a year. However you’d have to be willing to risk your genitals, so that’s a big no thank you to the job from our side. This job can sometimes be really great, but we would guess that at times, be painful and uncomfortable. But hey, the money is pretty nice!
8. Pet Food Tester
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I love animals! But there is nothing that would convince me to become a pet food tester! How about $40,000 a year, you ask? Hmm, pass me that canned dog food! 🙂
9. Diving Golf Ball Retriever
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Meet Wes Stanfield! He and people like him can earn as much as $100,000 per year retrieving golf balls from ponds and lakes around golf courses. Why is that? Well because the waters are full of snakes, alligators and all sorts of other hazardous creatures.
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