Listen. When it comes to eating we all have our own routines and preferences. But we have to admit that some of us (myself included) have certain weird tastes regarding […]
These kids are real fast learners. Faced with different questions, or issues they found some pretty awesome or unexpected answers or solutions. Some of them are hilarious. One thing’s certain: […]
Cartoons are super fun, but logic is not one of their strong points, as you will see. You are about to check out some of the most hilarious fails when […]
Vandalism is a terrible thing in general. But there are exceptions to the rule. Especially those times when it’s done in good sense and humour. The pictures you are about […]
Oh Snapchat … An everlasting source of funny people doing funny stuff. But not only that! It seems that animals and Snapchat go pretty well together too. Those loveable critters […]
Remember James Fridman? We’ve met him before, but he never ceases to amaze us with his awesome works. He is that guy that you should never ask for photoshop help. […]
I found it quite amusing that so many of my favorite cartoon characters have such accurate counterparts in real life. On one hand, some of the photos you’ll see show […]
So I was looking around the net checking out all sorts of funny pictures and I realized some of them actually made me go “why would you do that, though?”. […]
It’s easy to get used to how things are normally supposed to work. It’s just a little bit harder to think out of the box and use those things differently […]