Pelicans Will Try To Devour Anything And Everything, No Discrimination: They Don’t Care!

Well, you’ve heard of picky eaters, but have you met pelicans? These birds have no shame, no hesitation, and most definitely, no discrimination when it comes to their food choices. They’ll try to gobble up just about anything that fits in their beaks, and trust me, that’s a lot of food!

From fish to french fries, to… why not even a capybara or a whole firkin giraffe every now and then! If it’s within reach, these pelicans will make a move. They’ve been known to snag sandwiches from unsuspecting beachgoers and steal popcorn from moviegoers, but they don’t mind going to some extreme attempts at chowing down on the occasional seagull or an elephant! (Ok maybe not an elephant – but giraffes are definitely on the menu, you’ll see!).

So, if you’re ever at the beach and see a pelican eyeing up your lunch, be warned. They just don’t care what they eat, as long as they’re getting a meal. These birds truly live by the motto, “waste not, want not.”

In short, pelicans will try to eat anything, and they’ll do it with flair and panache. They’re the culinary daredevils of the avian world! Check out these insane birds!



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