When People Were Asked To Complete This Image In A Way That AI Can’t: Challenge Accepted
To stop automation, most sites nowadays have different challenges to prove that you are human. At this point, all of us are familiar with the infamous CAPTCHA measures on various sites out there. Click 3 identical images, pick the specific animal out of a series of pictures, or the classical “pick the images showing traffic lights”!
Well, in a recent post on Twitter, user Anloremi came up with a challenge for everyone: complete this drawing of a T-Rex in a manner that proves you are not a bot or Ai! In actuality, he came up with this challenge to prove that Artificial Intelligence can’t match the creativity of the human mind. But imagine for one second that this will be the new CAPTCHA challenge to prove you are a human, whenever you want to log into your email!
Jokes aside, the results of this challenge were both spectacular and hilarious! We never cease to be amazed by the human creative spirit. Check out what people came up with:
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