People Keep Finding Weird Leaves In Their Take-Out Chipotle And Flood Tweeter With Their Complaints

Regardless of how hungry you are, biting into your food and sensing an ingredient that should not be there in any circumstance is enough to kill your appetite.

Several Chipotle consumers experienced this skin-crawling reaction when they discovered some weird, green leaves in their food. The unwelcomed intruders were too thick and narrow to be any type of known lettuce, so the enraged clients took it to Tweeter to express their surprise.

The leaves were chunky and un-chewable. And the people who tweeted about them were convinced that Chipotle was maybe making fun at them for being vegan.

The following captures show how some of these shocked Chipotle enthusiasts reacted to “some weird lettuce,” “basil” or an “oak tree leaf” in their food.


1. Many people who enjoy Chipotle were shocked when finding this weird looking ingredient in their meals:

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2. They were intrigued why Chipotle would put random leaves in their food. This looked fishy and not right:

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3. And so many of them started tweeting their pictures to the restaurant in order to find out why there are playing practical jokes, or whatever is going on:

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