Photos Showing The Dark Side Of Society That Will Make You Think

Many of our articles have depicted various aspects of life. Be it marriage problems, or girl issues, or just funny snapshots of day to day life.

But now we take a step back and try to look at society as a whole. And we will present you some of the dark, yet true things about society as seen through the eyes of the artist Luis Quiles. His works are a great example of the power of imagery, but we must agree that some of the messages may be hard to swallow.

And if you have a dark sense of humor then these darkest memes are sure to tickle your funny bone!

Via: Facebook/Luis Quiles, Deviantart


1. Censorship versus creativity and expression in most societies


2. Unfortunate puppets in old men’s schemes and machinations


3. Money and greed turning men into sharks that devour the little man to reach their financial goals


4. Faith never actually feeding the hungry, never actually solving world’s problems. It is actions that can solve those…


5. Sports are not about merely pure competition among athletes anymore, they just resume to advertising, sponsorship deals and once again Money (greed)


6. When something is different, most don’t try to understand. Primitivism and homophobia, go hand in hand.


7. Religion, yet again teaching wrongfully a woman’s place in society. They may have voting rights, but religion doesn’t treat them equally at all! And Society accepts that in most parts of the world.


8. There is a pill for everything these days. And every pill we gulp is money for the Pharmaceutical Giants that rule society from the shadows.


9. Some kids get to play BomberMan on their PCs at home. Other kids get to be bombed. Literally. How is society fair, when children are dealt such fates?


10. And despite thousands of years of evolution into the amazing modern day society, we still we can’t solve problems basic problems such as poverty.


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