Skillful Artist Draws The Funniest Guide To Help Dog Lovers Pick Their Suitable Breed

If you have your mind set on adopting a dog, but you cannot decide which breed to choose, this witty, comical guide from Grace Gogarty will clear the air for you!

Grace is a comics artist and dog lover from St. Louis that has grown to know numerous breeds of dogs and their unique quirks after working as a supervisor at a doggy daycare for years. Making great use of her knowledge on canines and her remarkable drawing talent, she came up with a funny guide that will help undecided people pick their animal spirit.

The hilarious drawings come with shortlists of pros and cons that speak about the breed’s temperament, social skills, and weird behaviors. If you were looking for a crash course in canine personality, you have found it!

More at: Tumblr, Instagram 



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